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About Us

The Royal Canadian College of Organists is Canada's oldest association of musicians and was founded in 1909 as an education and service organization. Today, the RCCO is a nationwide community of professional and amateur organists, church musicians, choral conductors, and others sharing an interest in the organ.


RCCO programs and conventions offer opportunities to hear and meet world class recitalists and clinicians from Canada and abroad, to participate in workshops on a wide variety of topics, and to discuss subjects of mutual interest with friends and colleagues.  


Our members including from professional musicians holding various positions in education institutions/parishes to students, providing important services in the local music community. 


Please see the national RCCO site for general College information.

Church Candles

Remembering David

The Centre’s long-time friend and member of the Executive, David Palmer, passed away peacefully on Aug. 18, 2024. 


His memorial took place on Aug. 29, 2024, at St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church. The family appreciates your continued prayers and thoughts at this time.


If you would like to receive a link to the recording of David’s memorial, please contact us at As per the wishes of the family and current copyright laws, this recording is for your own personal use only and not to be distributed or shared openly on social media. We appreciate your attention to this matter.


Read David’s obituary here


Read a tribute to David here


Update Jan 2025:

David Palmer Summer Organ Academy Scholarship Donations


In honour of David’s commitment over his long and distinguished career to the development of young organists, the Victoria Centre, RCCO National Office, and the Windsor-Essex Centre (David’s home Centres) are working together to establish the David Palmer Summer Organ Academy Scholarship. It is our hope that with your help we will be able to provide an annual scholarship of $500.00.  


Providing this scholarship requires a base minimum of $10,000, each and every contribution towards this worthy cause is deeply appreciated and all individual donors will receive a tax receipt (click on the link below: please choose Victoria Centre and add to the comment box “David Palmer Summer Organ Academy Scholarship”).


It is our hope that we will be able to raise these funds by March 31, 2025, in time for the 2025 Summer Organ Academy. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Our Members

Updated January 2025

Dr. Steven Benson, D.C., B.Sc


Curt Bergen, B.Mus, ARCT, MCM

Music Director, St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church


David Berry, B.A.


Janou Boutillier


Neil Cardew-Fanning, M.Mus


Peter Cartwright, MechEng M&Qb


Thomas J. Chase, Ph.D., B.A.Hons, LTCL, FRCCO(hon)

Vice-President Academic and Principal, BC Campus, Yorkville University


John Coenraads, M.Sc, B.Ed


David Cox, B.A. 

Music Director, Trinity Anglican Lutheran Church (Port Alberni B.C.)


Dryden, Freeman, B.A., B.Ed., Dipl.ME

Organist, St. Paul's Anglican Church (Nanaimo B.C.)


Robert Dukarm, AVCM, B.Mus

Director of Music, Cathedral Church of St. John the Evangelist 


Corinne Dutton, M.Mus., B.Mus.


Kathleen Edge, B.A., B.Ed.(Sec), B.Mus., M.Mus., ARCT

(Retired)Assistant Director of Music, St. Andrew's Cathedral


Amiel Elfert, ARCCO

Organ Scholar, Christ Church Cathedral


John Evans, ARCT


Sandra Fletcher, ARCT, FRCCO(Ch)


Andrew Fraser, B.Sc., B.Ed, CRCCO


Dorothy Froese, B.Mus.


Irwin Henderson, B.A.


Nell Howard, B.Ed, ARCT (piano)

Music Director, Church of the Advent


Donald G. Hunt, B.Mus, M.Mus., ARCCO, FRCO

Director of Music, Christ Church Cathedral


Brendon Johnson, M.A., B.Mus., CRCCO


Norma Kobald, B.Mus.


Felix (Ruiyuan) Liu


Oscar Lines 


Corinne MacDonald, B.Mus., A.Mus., M.Ed.


Sarah MacDonald, M.A., FRCO, ARSCM

Director of Music, Selwyn College, Cambridge UK

Director of Ely Cathedral Girls' Choir


Jean McClennan, B.A., B.Com.


Dr. Mark McDonald, D.Mus, Art. Dip.

Assistant Director of Music, Christ Church Cathedral

Instructor of Organ, University of Victoria


Darrel Nixon


David Palmer*, M.Mus, FRCCO(hon)

Honorary President (Post-Mortem), RCCO Victoria Centre


Jean Pearce


The Rev. Peter Parker, B.A., M.Div.

Centre Chaplain


Liam Pistor, B.Mus., M.Mus.


Angelique Po, B.Mus.

Assistant Organist, St. Andrew's-Wesley United Church

(Vancouver, B.C.)


Christine Purvis, B.Mus., M.LS

Director of Music, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church


Ryan Qu, B.Mus., B.Ed., CRCCO

Director of Music, St. Andrew's Anglican Church

Rehearsal Director, Cowichan Consort Choir


Susanne Reul-Zastre, B.Mus., M.Mus., ARCCO

Director of Music, St. Luke's Anglican Church


Neala St. Hilaire, B.Mus.

Organ Steward, Pemberton Memorial Chapel


David Stratkauskas, B.Mus, M.A., ARCO

Director of Music, Church of St. John the Divine

Artistic Director, Vox Humana Chamber Choir


Lawrence Surges, B.Mus.

Music Director, St. Peter & St. Paul Anglican Church


Jenny Vincent, B.Mus., B.Ed.

Music Director, St. Andrew's United Church (Nanaimo B.C.)


Nancy Wallace & David Nock (Joint Membership)


Zachary Windus, B.A., M.Mus.


Stephen Wittman

The Organ Guy – Organ Repair and Maintenance


*Deceased member(s)

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